Saturday, October 8, 2011

Homemade Pedicure

Sometimes you may not have the extra casy lying around to enjoy a pedicure at the salon. I found a really quick way to get salon quality results with at home items. :) Enjoy!

What you will need:
  • 1 cup milk
  • Sugar or salt (either will work)
  • Baby oil, sweet almond oil or coconut oil
  • Pumice stone
  • Stridex, found in the acne section of any drugstore
  • Thick moisturizer or a salicylic acid cream
  • Socks
1. Soak your feet for 15 min in a combination of 5 cups warm water and 1 cup warm milk.

2. Create your homemade sugar or salt scrub with baby oil, sweet almond oil or coconut oil. Massage this concoction into the bottom of your feet using circular motions.  Be generous with the scrub!!

3. Grab your pumice stone and get to work right on top of the sugar scrub.

4. Rinse your feet off really well and pat dry.

5. Before going to bed rub a Stridex pad over the rougher parts of your feet. They contain salicsylic acid and will help break down the rough skin. Don't worry!! It's safe.

6. Apply a moisturizer in a thick layer over your feet. Vaseline works really well here or your favorite heavy moisturizer.

7. Slip on some comfy socks for at least 4 hours.

You may have to do this process a few nights a week at first to get your feet looking really nice but once you get can maintain it by doing this regiment once a week!

Enjoy! Please share your results if you try this out.


Friday, September 30, 2011

H2O Your Head

When you have a headache - STOP FOR A MINUTE BEFORE THE MEDS!

Think! When was the last time you had 8 full oz of water?

Did you know that nearly 85% of headaches are caused because the person is dehydrated.

So, drink a glass of water. Give it twenty minutes and see what happens


Monday, September 26, 2011

Can't Sleep? Well, Chill Out!!

I suffer from bouts of insomnia at times. I've tried many different things to help get to sleep. I came across this idea and tried it. Lo and behold!! It worked for me. Give it a try the next time you can't snooze.

Place an ice pack on your wrist for 10-15 mins. You can switch wrists but keep it there for that length of time.

This works by lowering your body temp which signals to your body that you are tired and it's sleepy time!

Other ideas:

*No caffeine at least 4 hours before bedtime. This is how long it takes the stimulant to exit your body.

*Turn off the tv! Watching tv stimulates your brain into a frenzy and you need it to be calm before you drift off.

*Read a good book. Snuggle down and read. Nothing too complicated or serious. Pick your fav fiction and go for it.

*Keep your room cool and keep dark curtains on your windows to block out any light.

*It is thought that the smell of lavendar triggers a calming, sleepy affect in your brain.

*Tune into classical music!

Happy ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz's!


I highly recommend checking out the Fly Lady if you are serious about getting organized.  She is hardcore so be prepared. She definately gets results!


Reading an article about mouthwash I found out that you can use mouthwash to:

1. Keep flowers fresh - 1 Tbs moutwash to a 1/2 gal. of water

2. Kills kitchen germs - Wipe down your sink handles and basin with a rag dipped in mouthwash. It will instantly kill germs and shine your sink.

3. Clean the toilet - Pout 1/4 cup of mouthwash into bowl. Let sit 30 min then swish it with the brush.

4. Goodbye odors - Gets rid of strong odors left on your hands by onions or garlic. Dip a cottonball in mouthwash and rub it over your hands.

5. Get rid of dandruff - After shampooing, rinse with a mixture of 1/2 cup mouthwash and 1/2 cup of water. Work it into your scalp then rinse with water.


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Apple Cider Vinegar vs Heartburn

On those nights when propping yourself up on a pillow, chewing a few antacids or drinking some milk just wont do for that blazing inferno in your chest - try apple cider vinegar!

I know, I know! It sounds weird because the vinegar is so acidic but that's the trick! The acid in the vinegar actually neutralizes the acid built up inside our stomachs and calms it down.

I have done this myself and can attest to it's effectivness.

Heartburn Relief:
1 Tbsp of apple cider vinegar
1 cup of water (8 oz)

For me using cool water works the best when drinking this down. And GO SLOW! You can gag yourself if you try to drink it too fast. Just sort of sip it down. It  not entirely unpleasing on the palate but it's not my favorite thing to drink. :)

I am able to go back to bed and sleep without propping myself up on pillows.

Recommended by Mar: YES!

Advice: I like Heinze Apple Cider Vinegar but I am sure any brand will do. Please do not try this with regular vinegar.

You Should Know: The taste takes a few sips to get acclimated to. Just don't give up and finish the entier 8oz for it to work correctly.


Sock Your Face!

Good Sunday to you! I hope that you are having a restful Sabbath Day. Just got back from church and I wanted to get a few things posted before my nap. :)

I was looking for a washcloth the other day and came up empty. I needed to remove some make up thoroughly because my skin is pretty sensitive.

Gazing around my cluttered laundry room my eyes landed on a pair of unworn white work socks. I turned it inside out and thought about the texture. Could it work? Let's find out!!!

I turned the sock inside out and went to town on my face. Let me just say that the inside out sock worked just as well as a $2 face cloth that I can pick up at Wal-Mart.

Once my face was rinsed it looked shiny and completely free of make up . . . even that pesky mascara that likes to stick around. I will definately be using socks on my face as an alternative to expensive "face only" washcloths and buffers.

Recommended by Mar: YES! If you can get around the fact that it's a sock you'll enjoy the scrubbing and exfoliating you'll get from the inside of the sock.

Advice: The next time you buy new socks set aside one pair for your "facial" socks! When you are done just toss them into the washer.

You Should Know: Please don't grab a USED sock even if it's clean. I just wouldn't recommend that LOL
