Monday, September 26, 2011

Can't Sleep? Well, Chill Out!!

I suffer from bouts of insomnia at times. I've tried many different things to help get to sleep. I came across this idea and tried it. Lo and behold!! It worked for me. Give it a try the next time you can't snooze.

Place an ice pack on your wrist for 10-15 mins. You can switch wrists but keep it there for that length of time.

This works by lowering your body temp which signals to your body that you are tired and it's sleepy time!

Other ideas:

*No caffeine at least 4 hours before bedtime. This is how long it takes the stimulant to exit your body.

*Turn off the tv! Watching tv stimulates your brain into a frenzy and you need it to be calm before you drift off.

*Read a good book. Snuggle down and read. Nothing too complicated or serious. Pick your fav fiction and go for it.

*Keep your room cool and keep dark curtains on your windows to block out any light.

*It is thought that the smell of lavendar triggers a calming, sleepy affect in your brain.

*Tune into classical music!

Happy ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz's!


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