Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sugar Scrub - Attack the Rough Skin!!

I am a sucker for sugar and salt scrubs. I cannot pass it up! There is nothing like the way your skin feels right after you have scrubbed the fire out of it with a good, smelly, abrasive scrub.

You can get salt or sugar scrubs at any store really. I have not figured out what the difference really is between salt vs sugar but when I do I'll let you know!

I needed to scrub some really annoying skin off my left elbow. It had apparently taken refuge there because I tend to lean on my left elbow when I am at a table. Sadly, my left elbow is probably the darkest patch of skin I have considering I am a pretty pale chic! So, as you can imagine it had to go and quick.

I ran out of my Israeli, Dead Sea Salt scrub stuff (not it's real name but I forget) and I needed a quick fix. So what does the modern wife/mom do? I GOOGLED it!! Ooooh Google I love you!

I found what could possibly be the most simple recipe ever! Below you will find the recipe and please dont be discouraged at how difficult it is to mix the two ingredients together LoL!

Basic Sugar Scrub Recipe:
Regular, good ol' sugar
Olive Oil

Instructions: Put sugar in an airtight bowl - add olive oil to the sugar to make it the consistency of a paste. DONE

This recipe is genius! I did it just this morning on both elbows and my hands and it was amazing. The sugar scrubs very effectively and the olive oil is a natural moisturizer.

Now you could probably get real fancy with this basic recipe and I plan on trying some new things out soon.

You could use almond oil, canola oil, sunflower oil or some other speciality oil. You could try different grades of sugar to get a finer scrub on that stubborn skin.

You could add essential oils to your mixture to specialize it to your liking. This is the one I really look forward to trying for myself.

As an afterthought, you could use sea salt instead of sugar I would think. Dunno, will have to test that out so stay tuned or try it out and post your results.

Recommended by Mar: YES!!

Advice: Experiment and have fun! Dont think that you have to spend upwards of $5 on a name brand scrub to get amazing results.

You Should Know: I will be posting more info on my experiments with the sugar scrubs


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